How you Can Help
Submit your stories, your journeys, your tips and triggers.
Share your journey, everyone's story will differ but fall under the same MCAS prognosis.
Share your useful tips and help others navigate this journey. These will vary too!
It can help to hear what triggers are for others and maybe find what might triggered you.
Medication info from others can be very helpful. Need Doctors consent - of course.
We are gathering great resources in one place to try and help you get answers quicker.
MCAS Resources
Resources that have been very helpful. If you know other places please advise as we want to have as many resources as possible.
Helping you find resources quickly is our goal. If you have a resource you believe should be added, please send it via this Contact Form.
We are a UK-based charity supporting people affected by Mast Cell Disease. We are founded and run by people who have MCAS or care for someone with MCAS, so we know exactly how it feels! More

- Emergency Room Brocure
- Patient Resource Guide
- Emergency Alert Card
- Child Advocacy In the ER
Find Here
StuffThatWorks helps people with chronic conditions figure out which treatments work best using crowdsourcing and AI. MCAS is one of the groups. Find Here
Checking the ingredients in your products has never been easier thanks to INCI DECODER. And we do need to check our makeup and bath/body ingredients! Find Here
Finding a doctor can be tough. Hope this helps.
Find the Top Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) Experts and Specialists. Find Here